Monday, November 18, 2013

©2013. Copyright. All rights reserved

The definition of copyright is, "Copyright is a form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U.S. Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works."

Fair use means to copy someone else's work that's copyrighted

Halloween Makeover Before Image Used With Permission , Creative Commons.

Playing with Photoshop. Exploring what liquify, dodge, and burn and clone stamp tool can do. 

Color Psychology

Colors can influence emotion and mental effects. Purple is a mixture of red and blue making the color increase the feeling of calmness. Colors impact the way you're state of mind and the way you are feeling. Certain places that make you feel irritated or angry can be caused by the color of the room.

The .edu site i discovered the references Color in Advertising is an article called Color in Marketing. It states that colors influence our five senses which are touching, tasting, smelling. hearing, and seeing.

Dream Destination Get Away

The Ocean is a dream destination for me because its so relaxing hearing the sound of the waves is like  music to my ears and you could see dolphins, sharks, whales, etc.

The official website for more information on this location can be found the wonders of the ocean

I imagine visiting this location and my experiences being like the image I illustrated below with me being relaxed & listening to music.